Easy Tutorial ENG
Create an artistic wallpaper
Hi everybody! If you can’t find a wallpaper you like for your desktop or laptop computer, you can use Gimp to make your own. Open a new document, I used a 1024 x 768 pixel sized document, Read more...
Hi everybody! If you can’t find a wallpaper you like for your desktop or laptop computer, you can use Gimp to make your own. Open a new document, I used a 1024 x 768 pixel sized document, Read more...
Today you will learn how to create an effect like the one in the header of the MSNBC.com website. You can create a header for your site, or you can create some compositions with images Read more...
In this tutorial you will learn how to create the color splash effect, that means making an image black and white except for one color, allowing the colored object to pop through. First choose an Read more...
Hi everybody! In today’s tutorial I will show you how to realize different wallpapers using mosaic filter! Open up Gimp and create a new image, I’m using a 1000px per 1000px sized one, and apply a gradient Read more...
Follow this tutorial to learn how to create an icy text in Gimp! Create a new document, I’m using a 1024 x 768 sized document. Select “Text” and write something, then resize the writing in Read more...
Hi guys! Stop using only horizontal or vertical text, instead follow this tutorial to wrap text along a custom shape. This will make it curve along the path to produce an interesting design. You can Read more...
Hi everyone! In today’s tutorial I’ll take you through the step by step process of creating a stencil starting from an image of Bruce Lee. If you have chosen a color image, go on Color —> Read more...
Today I will teach you how to use Gimp’s tools and settings to realize a three – dimensional metallic text effect. First make sure to have installed this Script-Fu, an essential plugin for this tutorial Read more...
Welcome everyone to a new Gimp tutorial: today you will learn how to write with a Star Wars style text effect. As first step, download the Star Wars font from here, then create an image Read more...
Hi guys! Today I’ve made a tutorial about the most frightening party of the whole year: Halloween! amici di Gimp! Before starting, you need to download the materials: – Skull – Sweatshirt – Armor – Font – Splattern brushes First, Read more...
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