
Hard Tutorial ENG

Batman vs Superman

Hi everyone! Ever since I saw the recent Batman vs Superman movie I’ve decided to realize this gorgeous inspired logo! Do you remember about my Superman logo tutorial? This will be the basis to create the new Read more...

Hard Tutorial ENG

Flying castle [Part 1]

Hi guys! Welcome to my new Gimp tutorial! Today I will show you photo manipulation techniques by creating a flying castle. You will need the following materials: – Birds brush – Clouds brush – Mountain image – Abbey image Read more...

Hard Tutorial ENG

Make me… AVATAR!

Goodmorning everyone! 🙂 After seeing the movie of Avatar, many of you will be wondering “How would I look like if I was a Na’Vi?”. Well, today we’re here to answer to this question. Are Read more...

Medium Tutorial ENG

Life in a light bulb

Welcome everybody! In today’s tutorial I’m going to realize a photomontage about a tree in a light bulb! Before starting, download these materials: – Birds brushes – Grunge brushes  Begin by creating a new document in Gimp, Read more...

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